Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Whats a good way to straighten hair?

I have naturally curly hair to the extent that if I let it grow out it can get pretty wild. Since I am not into afros much I have only stayed with crew cuts.

I have tried straigteners in the past, but I basically ended up with a wavy "hat hair" look.

Does anyone know of any good products or tricks?

Whats a good way to straighten hair? friend has extremely curly hair, yet when I or she straightens her hair, her hair is pretty straight. Maybe use a ceramic hair straightener with high settings, since your hair is so curly.

Whats a good way to straighten hair?

hair care tips

Whats a good way to straighten hair?

bend down and put it onto an ironing board and get a trustworthy friend to use a flatiron on it. a little steam usually helps.

Whats a good way to straighten hair?

go for rebonding it really works. plus incase u like it sometimes wavy and sometimes straight then it is best to go for ceramic tile straightener iron it workd wonders!

Whats a good way to straighten hair?

Conair irons should work but if they dont try putting garnier sleek and straight hair creme, it should smooth out your hair.

Whats a good way to straighten hair?

use ceramic hair straighteners, they are great!!!!!!

Whats a good way to straighten hair?

You can go to the salon and they can do it. You'll spend the same amount of money if you did it yourself. You have to go to like the Hair supply stores, like Sally's or Ace and they have all sorts of hair products that you put in your hair, then you get a really good straightner that's like at least $80, then you straighten it using small sections at a time. Then you take another product and put that in your hair afterwards and it should come out great.

Whats a good way to straighten hair?

The best way to do it is to go to a salon, they have something (forget what it is called) that straightens hair, it is not by perm either. If you call and ask they will tell you, and let you know if they offer it or not (I thik it is called Japanese hair straightening, something like that) You pay good money for it, but I heard it really works.

Whats a good way to straighten hair?

Go to a professional. If you still end up with slightly wavy hair buy a professional straightening iron from your salon. They get much hotter than the ones you buy from regular stores.

Whats a good way to straighten hair?

-first you need to wash your hair

-then really blowdry your hair

-after you should you a ceramic products from conair to sriaten your hair

-last go out and flont your hair all aroung town

Whats a good way to straighten hair?

blow dry

Whats a good way to straighten hair?

Get a perm, or go with your naturally beauiful curly hair! They're are so many gels that you can use, to give you hair curls, and you can use a diffuser.

Whats a good way to straighten hair?

if u use a straighting iron the correct way, u will have beautiful straight silky hair... i do mine everyday and NO ONE can ever tell i got curly azz hair... do it in little sections, u got to keep going over it until its straight enuf for u. try using a blow dry spray, it will protect ur hair

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